1 And it came to pass in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that wine was before him: and I took up the

 wine, and gave it unto the king. Now I had not been beforetime sad in his presence.

2 Wherefore the king said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart.

 Then I was very sore afraid,

3 And said unto the king, Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers'

 sepulchres, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire?

- Nehemiah 2:1-3 KJV

 Nehemiah Embarks on a Mission to Rebuild the City  

and Restore its Spiritual Significance


January 23, 2024


Reverend Danny Rhoades

Good day Brothers and Sisters. Today my Daily Devotional is going to be about the Book of Nehemiah, found in the Old Testament of the Bible, is a compelling account of a faithful leader's journey to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. Nehemiah, a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia, receives news about the distressing state of Jerusalem's walls and gates. Filled with a deep burden for his people and a fervent desire to honor God, Nehemiah embarks on a mission to rebuild the city and restore its spiritual significance. This devotional explores the first two chapters of the Book of Nehemiah, delving into Nehemiah's prayer for restoration, his request to the king, his inspection of the city walls, and the opposition he encounters. Additionally, we will examine the lessons on leadership 

and faith that can be gleaned from Nehemiah's example and explore the key themes and messages conveyed throughout the book.

The Book of Nehemiah is all about rebuilding and restoration. It takes place after the Israelites were exiled from their land and Jerusalem was left in ruins. Nehemiah, the main character and author of the book, was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia.

As mentioned earlier, Nehemiah is believed to be the author of this book. It's hard to pinpoint the exact date of its writing, but it is generally believed to have been written around the same time as the Book of Ezra, which is in the 5th century BC.

The purpose of the Book of Nehemiah is to showcase how Nehemiah, with God's help, led the effort to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and restore the city. It emphasizes the importance of faith, prayer, and perseverance in the face of adversity. The themes explored in this book include leadership, God's faithfulness, and the power of unity.

In Chapter 1 of the Book of Nehemiah, we see Nehemiah's heartache upon hearing about the state of Jerusalem. He prays fervently to God, confessing the sins of the people and asking for guidance and favor to restore the city. This chapter sets the stage for Nehemiah's mission and highlights the importance of seeking God's help in times of trouble.

Chapter 2 reveals Nehemiah's high position as the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia. As the king's trusted advisor, Nehemiah had the opportunity to approach the king and make a special request.

Nehemiah shares with the king his deep concern for the state of Jerusalem and asks for permission to go and rebuild the city. Through the favor of God, the king grants Nehemiah's request, allowing him to gather the necessary resources and protection to carry out his mission.

After receiving the king's permission, Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem and secretly inspects the city walls at night. This shows his strategic thinking and careful planning as he assesses the scope of the task ahead.

During the inspection, Nehemiah takes note of the damaged walls and broken gates. He realizes the extent of the work needed to rebuild and fortify the city. This chapter sets the stage for Nehemiah's subsequent efforts to rally the people and restore Jerusalem's walls.

So there you have it! The Book of Nehemiah is a powerful testament to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the perseverance of one man's faith. It's a story of restoration, leadership, and the importance of seeking God's guidance in all endeavors.

In the second chapter of the Book of Nehemiah, things start to get a little rocky for our protagonist. As soon as he sets foot in Jerusalem, he faces opposition from some not-so-friendly characters named Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem. These guys are like the high school bullies of biblical times, ready to pounce on anyone trying to do some good.

Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem are not happy campers when they find out that Nehemiah intends to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. They probably had their own shady plans and didn't want anyone messing with their status quo. So, they start mocking Nehemiah and his crew, saying things like, "Hey, do you think you're some kind of expert wall-builder?" They even go as far as questioning Nehemiah's motives, accusing him of rebelling against the king.

Now, Nehemiah could have easily let this opposition get to him. He could have thrown in the towel and said, "You know what, guys? You're right. I don't know what I was thinking." But no, Nehemiah is made of sterner stuff. He doesn't let the bullies bring him down. Instead, he responds with wit and determination, telling them, "Yeah, I may not be a pro wall-builder, but with God on my side, we'll get this done."

Nehemiah's encounters with opposition teach us some valuable lessons on leadership and faith. First, we learn that leadership requires courage. Nehemiah didn't back down in the face of opposition; he stood his ground and persevered. Second, we see the importance of trusting in God. Nehemiah's faith in God's guidance and protection gave him the confidence to face his adversaries head-on.

The Book of Nehemiah is filled with important themes and messages that resonate with readers even today. One of the key themes is the power of unity and teamwork. Nehemiah rallies the people of Jerusalem together to rebuild the city walls, showing us that when we work together towards a common goal, great things can be accomplished. Another major message is the significance of prayer and dependence on God. Nehemiah's constant prayers throughout his journey remind us that seeking God's guidance and strength is crucial in overcoming obstacles.

Brothers and Sisters so, what can we take away from Nehemiah's story? Well, first and foremost, don't let opposition deter you from pursuing your goals. Whether it's rebuilding ancient walls or tackling everyday challenges, maintaining resilience in the face of opposition is key. Secondly, lean on your faith and trust in a higher power. Knowing that you have divine support can give you the courage and strength to face any opposition that comes your way.

Brothers and Sisters so, as we go about our own endeavors, let's channel our inner Nehemiah and face our opposition with confidence, wit, and a little bit of faith. Who knows, we might just surprise ourselves and build some pretty amazing walls along the way.In conclusion, the Book of Nehemiah chapters 1 and 2 offer a powerful narrative of determination, prayer, and leadership. Nehemiah's unwavering faith in God's guidance and his commitment to the restoration of Jerusalem serve as an inspiration to all who read his story. As we reflect on his journey, we are reminded of the importance of seeking God's direction, persevering in the face of opposition, and embracing leadership with integrity and faith. The lessons and themes found within these chapters continue to resonate today, encouraging us to pursue restoration, both in our own lives and in the world around us.



Dear Heavenly Father, it is hard to comprehend the depth of Your love for us and why You care about the details of our life. We are grateful that in difficult times You are with us, walking beside us all the way through to the other side of pain and trouble. Where bad things have happened and we have blamed You. We ask for Your forgiveness. Thank You for working things out for our good. I pray these things, in the name of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ. Amen

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