"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will

 receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

- Colossians 3:23 KJV

 God's Answer May Come in Many Forms 

December 18, 2023

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, today I want to talk about how God's answer to our prayers what is often not we expect. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that our fasts and our prayers will always be answered with a yes. But sometimes, God's answer to us is a no, and it can be hard to accept.

I want to start by telling you a story about a man who was struggling with a major decision in his life. He had been praying and fasting for months for clarity and guidance, but he had not received any answers. He went to many different spiritual leaders for advice, but none of them could provide the clarity he was seeking. 


Finally, he decided to go directly to the source—God. He pleaded with God and begged for answers, but instead of receiving any answers, he felt a deep sense of peace. He realized that God had already answered his prayer: he should have listened to the prophets instead of trying to figure out the answer himself.

This story shows us an important lesson we can learn from God's answer: sometimes His answer is not what we expect. We can't always assume that God is going to answer our prayers with a "yes." Sometimes, His answer is "no," or "wait." God knows what is best for us, and sometimes His answer is not what we think it should be.

We can also learn from this story that prayer and fasting are important, but they don't always provide the answers we seek. We should be open to listening to the prophets and wise spiritual leaders in our lives, because they can provide us with guidance and clarity. We should also be willing to accept God's answer, even if it isn't what we expected.

So today I challenge you all to remember that God's answer is often not what we expect. We should always be willing to listen to the prophets and spiritual leaders in our lives and be open to accepting God's answer—even when it isn't what we wanted or expected. God's answer may come in many forms, but one thing is certain: it will always be the best for us in the end.

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, God's answer may be unexpected, but it will always be full of love and grace—just like the loving Father He is.



May God the Father bless us, may Christ take care of us, the Holy Ghost enlighten us all the days of our life. The Lord be our defender and keeper of body and soul, both now and for ever, to the ages of ages. In the name of our Lord and savor Jesus Christ, Amen
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