"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; 

the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." 

- Numbers 6:24-26 KJV

 32 Blessings to Man 

December 29, 2023


Reverend Danny Rhoades

Good afternoon, Brothers and Sisters!

I recently remember seeing a sign in front of a church that said “32 Blessings to Man.” Then I remembered 2 Samuel 22:47, which says, “The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! May God, the Rock of my salvation, be exalted.” In this verse, King David is praising God for the 32 blessings that He has bestowed upon mankind.

Today I want to take a moment to talk about the 32 blessings that God has given us and how we can use them to be better people and live more meaningful lives.


The first blessing is love. God loves us unconditionally and He desires for us to love each other the same way. He is always there for us in our times of need and gives us strength to make it through hard times. We need to learn to love ourselves and to love others without judgement.

The second blessing is mercy. God is merciful and He shows us mercy even when we don’t deserve it. We should strive to show mercy to others as well, even when we don’t agree with them or understand their situation.

The third blessing is grace. God’s grace is so powerful that it can change lives and transform hearts. We should strive to show grace to others and to forgive them even when they make mistakes.

Finally, the fourth blessing is hope. As believers, we have hope that God will provide for us and that our struggles will eventually come to an end. We should never give up hope and remember that God is always there for us.

As you can see, God has given us 32 blessings and it is up to us to use them wisely. We must make sure that we are living lives that are pleasing to Him and honoring His name. Let us strive each day to show love, mercy, grace, and hope to those around us and remember that God is always watching over us.

Let’s make sure that we take full advantage of the 32 blessings God has given us and use them to make a positive difference in our lives and the lives of those around us. May we all be thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us and use them to live purpose-filled lives!

Brothers and Sisters today, let us remember these words of wisdom from King David:The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! May God, the Rock of my salvation, be exalted.” Amen.



"O Lord, our God, we thank You for all Your blessings.

We thank You for the gift of life,

For the breath in our lungs,

For the beating of our hearts,

And for the love that sustains us.

We thank You for the beauty of the world around us,

For the sun that shines,

For the moon and stars that light our night,

And for the rain that nourishes our land.

We thank You for the gift of family and friends,

For those who love us and support us,

And for those who make our lives richer.

We thank You for the gift of health and strength,

For the ability to work and learn,

And for the joy of living.

We thank You for the gift of faith,

For the hope that sustains us,

And for the love that guides us.

We thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ,

Who showed us the way to live,

And who died for our sins.

We thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit,

Who comforts us in our sorrow,

And who guides us in our journey.

We thank You for all Your blessings,

And we pray that You will continue to bless us.

This I pray in the name of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ, Amen

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